Top ten tips to create great online video content

Online video is becoming ever more important to brands and very much a part of marketing budgets. Companies have a huge opportunity to harness the power of video, particularly as research confirms that there’s a significant uplift in purchase conversions after seeing a video online.

online video content

online video content

Here’s our top ten online video content tips.

1. Websites – by adding video to your website an average visitor will stay two minutes longer. That’s why 76% of marketers plan to add video to their site ahead of Facebook and Twitter.

2. Social media mix – people are more likely to engage with branded content on social media that contains images (44%) and videos (33%). You can watch, talk and share it instantly.

3. Use in email – 76% of marketers say campaigns that integrate video generate a higher click through rate and if you include ‘video’ in an email subject line, open rate rises from 7% to 13%.

4. Solve problems – focus on creating videos that provide solutions so your target audience can directly benefit from it; a demonstration on how to use your product (wood varnish) to solve a problem (stain a floor).

5. Vlogs – use a variety of content, such as vlogs (video blogs), video case studies and other recorded video testimonials to stimulate interest and encourage ‘pass-along’ to others.

6. Optimisation – to gain a wider reach, videos should have content that focuses on what people want to search for and mention of the brand name. Add keywords to titles, tags, descriptions and add playlists based on industry keywords and terms.

7. Be entertaining – if the content is creative and fun it will appeal more to the interests of your target audience. Half of online content is discussed with friends and family.

8. Measureable – if you monitor page views, number of interactions/actions on social media channels, can it track if the content has engaged the audience? Has it stimulated a conversation?

9. Personality – tell a story and convey your brand personality by using different camera angles, ensure good lighting, move around to show colour and variety to keep viewers attentive.

10. Integration – your online video needs to have seamless integration with your website; this will make it more accessible and extend its shelf life.

Brands do need to consider carefully how they will translate their creative ideas to ensure their content drives traffic and conversions. If you consider these top tips you’re likely to increase qualified web traffic and genuine leads. If you wish to share examples of your online video content, please leave a comment below or on Twitter.

About alexandrapatrick

The alexandrapatrick blog provides marketing insights, sharing expertise.
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